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Issue Resolution Workflow Within the PDF Review Workflow

The PDF review workflow is closely tied to the issue resolution workflow, as part of the PDF review workflow involves identifying issues in PDFs, fixing those issues, and verifying that the issues have been fixed.

An issue can go through various possible states from when the issue is opened (created) until when the issue is closed. Each state has a draft state (before the issue is sent) and a regular state (after the issue is sent). For example:

  • New issue
    • Unresolved-draft - this is the original state of an issue, after the issue is added to a PDF, but before the response for the PDF is sent.
    • Unresolved - this is the state of the issue immediately after the response for the PDF is sent.
  • Issue marked as fixed
    • Fixed-draft - this is the state of the issue after the issue in the PDF is marked as fixed, but before a new version of the PDF is sent.
    • Fixed - this is the state of the issue after a new version of the PDF (that contains the fix for the issue) is sent in a new version of the transmittal.
  • Issue marked as resolved
    • Resolved-draft - this is the state of the issue after it has been verified as resolved in the new version of the PDF, but before the response for the new version of the PDF is sent.
    • Resolved - this is the state of the issue after the response for the new version of the PDF (in which the issue is verified as resolved) is sent.

This diagram shows the life of an issue within the PDF review workflow, from when the issue was first opened (created/added to the PDF) until when the issue is finally closed.

Note: At any time, team members can also go to the Issue Resolution Service portal and see all of the submittal issues that exist for this ProjectWise project.